====== Secondary Enumerations ====== (Technically, **Needs**, **Importance levels**, **Zones** and **Infrastructural layers** are also enumerated types, but due to the more central role they play, both in this ontology and to this project as a whole, they are defined on the main [[kb:ontology:start|Ontology]] page. \\ ===== Costs ===== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_costs csv: 0 ---- ===== Durations ===== When applied to the time taken to produce something or gain a skill, assume four-day weeks; when it comes to shelf-life, etc., assume full weeks. ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_durations csv: 0 ---- ===== Training requirements ===== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_training_requirements csv: 0 ---- ===== Storage Requirements ===== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_storage_requirements csv: 0 ---- ===== Hazards ===== Based on the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFPA_704|NFPA 704]] Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response. ==== Specific Hazards ==== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_hazard_specific csv: 0 ---- ==== Health Hazards ==== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_hazard_health csv: 0 ---- ==== Fire Hazards ==== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_hazard_fire csv: 0 ---- ==== Reactivity ==== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_hazard_reactivity csv: 0 ----