====== FTF Core Ontology ====== Fundamental to the organisation and dynamic capabilities of this project's Knowledge Base is the ontology used to classify the entries in its various 'subsections', and to define their interrelationships. As we are not aware of any similar (or similarly comprehensive) attempt, we have named this ontology the the FTF Core Ontology, and the first version (which is still under active development, and will likely be subject to change), FTF Core 2023-11. Its key elements are expanded upon in the following sections, but at the highest level, we have: * **Needs**: the 'things', capabilities and services required to survive and function, not just at the individual level, but at larger scales of community * **Categories**: 'classes' that are used to group similar **resources**; each **category** should provide, support or enable one or more **needs**((insert something about how we are not differentiating between a category as grouping of resources, and the procedures that produce them, and means of maintaining or repairing them)) * **Resources**: specific 'instances' or examples of **categories** that are used in **procedures** to produce other **resources**; used here in a more abstract sense to refer to skills, capabilities, facilities and living organisms in addition to equipment, materials and chemical reagents * **Procedures**: the 'recipes', step-by-step guides or scientific protocol which, when followed correctly, will turn one set of **resources** into another * **Primary enumerations**: attributes that have a fixed number of permitted values, and whose values are used to describe key aspects of the above; for more information, see the sections below * **Importance**: a scale used to describe how important something is to our individual and/or collective survival and quality of life, either directly, or in terms of what it enables * **Zones**: a hierarchy of zones, start within our bodies, and extending out from there to include our immediate surroundings and areas further afield, through to what one might typically associate with 'states' within present-day countries * **Infrastructural layers**: a different way of describing 'scale' which, instead of focusing on //geographic proximity//, looks at things from a socio-organisational perspective * **Secondary enumerations**: these enumerations are used to describe other aspects of specific **resources** and **procedures**; for more information, see [[kb:ontology:enumerations|this page]], but this list of secondary enumerations includes: * Costs (financial); * Durations; * Training requirements; * Storage requirements; and * Hazard-related information \\ ===== Needs ===== As mentioned above, **needs** are an extension of the 'essential services' defined in Gupta's //[[readers:theoretical:infrastructure:6wtd:start|"Six Ways to Die"]]//. As its name suggests, these are the things, capabilities and services required to survive and function, not just at the individual level, but at larger scales of community. In this context, **zone(s)** refers to //where// these needs might be found, 'consumed' or applied, while **infrastructural layer(s)** refers to the infrastructural or organisational layer(s) at which they can be gathered, produced or built. \\ ---- struct global ---- schema: needs csv: 0 ---- ===== Zones ===== The **zones** used here are an extension of the 'zones' from Permaculture, where Zone -2 and -1 refers to our bodies, and later zones extending out from our wider surroundings to what one might typically associate with 'states' within present-day countries. \\ ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_zones csv: 0 ---- ===== Infrastructural Layers ===== As with the **needs**, these layers are also based on an aspect of Gupta's //[[readers:theoretical:infrastructure:6wtd:start|"Six Ways to Die"]]//, but have been adapted with a 'post-State' focus. Unlike **zones**, which can be thought of as concentric areas that are divided according to how long they take to traverse (and/or of regularly they are visited), **infrastructural layers** can be thought of as areas that are defined by how easy it is to organise, make collective decisions, and coordinate one's actions. \\ ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_infrastructural_layers csv: 0 ---- ===== Importance ===== ---- struct global ---- schema: enum_importance_levels csv: 0 ---- \\ ===== See Also===== ~~DIR?noheader~~ ~~NOCACHE~~