====== Links and External Resources ====== ===== Lower-tech Alternatives ===== * [[https://lowtechmagazine.com|Low-tech Magazine]] : Doubts on progress and technology * [[https://simplifier.neocities.org|Simplifier]] : (Re)discovering lower-tech ways of manufacturing key electrical and electronic building-blocks * [[https://opensourceecology.org|Open Source Ecology]], with the tag-line, "Open Source Blueprints for Civilization. Build Yourself". Included here for their open-source [[https://opensourceecology.org/gvcs|Global Village Construction Set]] and their corresponding Wiki, over at [[https://wiki.opensourceecology.org|wiki.opensourceecology.org]]. Also of interest is the way in which they track the dependencies and enablers of the various key products — see, e.g., [[https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Tractor_Design_Rationale,_Product_Ecology|this]] or [[https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/CEB_Press_Design_Rationale,_Product_Ecology|this]]. * [[https://previval.org|Surivial and Preparedness]] : A combination wiki / forum / article site focused on the themes of survival, prepping, outdoor skills and DIY. In German, yet to be properly assessed for 'political leanings'. ===== Analysis and Developments Watch ===== * [[https://justcollapse.org|Just Collapse]] : advocates for a Planned Collapse to avert the worst outcomes that will follow an otherwise unplanned, reactive collapse; recognises that there will be no justice in an unplanned collapse * [[https://www.letstalkthis.com/collapse|Let's Talk Collapse]] : an introduction to the notion of the collapse of civilisation that attempts to outline the most relevant researchers, resources, and media surrounding the subject * [[https://resilience.org|Resilience]] : Building a world of resilient communities