FTF Core Ontology

Fundamental to the organisation and dynamic capabilities of this project's Knowledge Base is the ontology used to classify the entries in its various 'subsections', and to define their interrelationships. As we are not aware of any similar (or similarly comprehensive) attempt, we have named this ontology the the FTF Core Ontology, and the first version (which is still under active development, and will likely be subject to change), FTF Core 2023-11.

Its key elements are expanded upon in the following sections, but at the highest level, we have:

  • Needs: the 'things', capabilities and services required to survive and function, not just at the individual level, but at larger scales of community
  • Categories: 'classes' that are used to group similar resources; each category should provide, support or enable one or more needs1)
  • Resources: specific 'instances' or examples of categories that are used in procedures to produce other resources; used here in a more abstract sense to refer to skills, capabilities, facilities and living organisms in addition to equipment, materials and chemical reagents
  • Procedures: the 'recipes', step-by-step guides or scientific protocol which, when followed correctly, will turn one set of resources into another
  • Primary enumerations: attributes that have a fixed number of permitted values, and whose values are used to describe key aspects of the above; for more information, see the sections below
    • Importance: a scale used to describe how important something is to our individual and/or collective survival and quality of life, either directly, or in terms of what it enables
    • Zones: a hierarchy of zones, start within our bodies, and extending out from there to include our immediate surroundings and areas further afield, through to what one might typically associate with 'states' within present-day countries
    • Infrastructural layers: a different way of describing 'scale' which, instead of focusing on geographic proximity, looks at things from a socio-organisational perspective
  • Secondary enumerations: these enumerations are used to describe other aspects of specific resources and procedures; for more information, see this page, but this list of secondary enumerations includes:
    • Costs (financial);
    • Durations;
    • Training requirements;
    • Storage requirements; and
    • Hazard-related information

As mentioned above, needs are an extension of the 'essential services' defined in Gupta's "Six Ways to Die". As its name suggests, these are the things, capabilities and services required to survive and function, not just at the individual level, but at larger scales of community.

In this context, zone(s) refers to where these needs might be found, 'consumed' or applied, while infrastructural layer(s) refers to the infrastructural or organisational layer(s) at which they can be gathered, produced or built.

NameDescriptionZone(s)Infrastructural layer(s)Importance
waterWater which can be used for bathing washing and gardening-related purposes-1 - External to our bodies, 0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood4 - Essential
hydrationWater which is fit for human consumption, and can be used to maintain adequate levels of hydration-2 - Internal to our bodies0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood6 - Critical++
nourishmentEdibles which, when taken in sufficient and balanced amounts, can meet the nutritional needs of an individual-2 - Internal to our bodies1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town5 - Critical
clothingObjects worn to cover the body and protect it from everyday environmental conditions-1 - External to our bodies1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local)4 - Essential
structureStructures which have been built or adapted to protect its contents from the elements or certain kinds of wildlife0 - Dwellings1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood3 - Important
structure:shelterStructures which have been built or adapted, primarily, to serve as a living space for people0 - Dwellings1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town4 - Essential
structure:storageStructures which have been built or adapted to meet specific storage requirements0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town3 - Important
heatingProtection from excessively cold conditions that might otherwise lead to illness, hypothermia or even death; secondarily, the means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy in the form of heat0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood4 - Essential
coolingProtection from excessively high ambient temperatures that might otherwise lead to dehydration, hyperthermia or even death0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town3 - Important
health-carePractices, measures and consumables which aim to minimise the risk of contracting a disease and maximise the likelihood of recovery-1 - External to our bodies, -2 - Internal to our bodies1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town3 - Important
health-care:hygienePractices, measures and consumables aimed at minimising the risk of infection, disease and sepsis due to unhygienic or unsanitary conditions-1 - External to our bodies, -2 - Internal to our bodies, 0 - Dwellings1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood3 - Important
health-care:medicalPractices, measures and consumables aimed at minimising the risk of, and treating injuries, infections and diseases-1 - External to our bodies, -2 - Internal to our bodies1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local)5 - Critical
protectionPractices, measures and equipment which aim to minimise the risk of injury due to accidents or attack-1 - External to our bodies, 0 - Dwellings1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional
protection:personalPractices, measures and equipment which aim to protect the body from injuries due to accidents or hazardous materials-1 - External to our bodies1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town
protection:defencePractices, measures and equipment which aim to protect individuals or small groups of people injuries due to attacks or extreme weather events-1 - External to our bodies, 0 - Dwellings2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local)5 - Critical
satisfactionBecause this project isn't _just_ about surviving-1 - External to our bodies, -2 - Internal to our bodies0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood3 - Important
satisfaction:fun-1 - External to our bodies, -2 - Internal to our bodies, 0 - Dwellings0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood3 - Important
satisfaction:social-1 - External to our bodies, -2 - Internal to our bodies, 0 - Dwellings0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood3 - Important
satisfaction:learning-1 - External to our bodies, -2 - Internal to our bodies, 0 - Dwellings0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town2 - Desirable
transportationThe means of moving supplies, equipment and/or people over longer distances than would otherwise be practical3 - Farming zone, 4 - Semi-managed, 5 - Unmanaged wilderness, 6 - Regional (local)3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional3 - Important
communicationsThe means of conveying messages and information at high speed, over longer distances than would otherwise be possible4 - Semi-managed, 5 - Unmanaged wilderness, 6 - Regional (local)3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional3 - Important
society:organisingPractices and equipment which enable or support collective organisation and coordination above the neighbourhood layer5 - Unmanaged wilderness, 6 - Regional (local), 7 - Regional2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional2 - Desirable
society:tradeTypically an item or a specialised service that can be shared or traded. (This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but generally something is marked with society:trade if their corresponding Infrastructural layer is ≥4)3 - Farming zone, 4 - Semi-managed, 5 - Unmanaged wilderness, 6 - Regional (local)3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional3 - Important
society:equalityPractices, measures and equipment which aims to address physical and/or structural inequalities (including, e.g., differences in bodily autonomy)5 - Unmanaged wilderness, 6 - Regional (local), 7 - Regional2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional2 - Desirable
equipmentEquipment which can be used to build, adapt or maintain other objects0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens, 3 - Farming zone2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local)3 - Important
equipment:sci-engSpecialised equipment needed by scientific and/or engineering 'protocols', or for the development of new ones0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens, 6 - Regional (local), 7 - Regional3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional2 - Desirable
sci-eng-capabilitiesThe means of producing supplies or equipment that require at least some scientific or engineering knowledge0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town3 - Important
sci-eng-capabilities:research-developmentThe means, both material and knowledge-wise, of developing new designs, or discovering or applying new scientific knowledge0 - Dwellings, 6 - Regional (local), 7 - Regional2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town, 4 - Regional (local), 5 - Regional2 - Desirable
energyThe means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy. (Instead of energy:heat, use heating.)0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens, 3 - Farming zone, 4 - Semi-managed0 - Individual, 1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town4 - Essential
energy:fuelThe means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy in a chemical form. (Aka energy:chemical.)0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens, 3 - Farming zone1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood, 3 - Town
energy:lightThe means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy in the form of light0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens0 - Individual, 1 - Household2 - Desirable
energy:electricalThe means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy in an electrical form0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens1 - Household, 2 - Neighbourhood3 - Important
energy:mechanicalThe means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy in a mechanical form0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens, 3 - Farming zone
energy:pneumaticThe means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy in the form of compressed gases0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens2 - Desirable
energy:hydraulicThe means of generating, storing, converting and transmitting energy by taking advantage of the properties of fluids0 - Dwellings, 1-2 - Extended gardens, 3 - Farming zone2 - Desirable

The zones used here are an extension of the 'zones' from Permaculture, where Zone -2 and -1 refers to our bodies, and later zones extending out from our wider surroundings to what one might typically associate with 'states' within present-day countries.

-2 - Internal to our bodiesInside our body
-1 - External to our bodiesOn, or covering our body
0 - DwellingsWhere we seek shelter from the elements; our dwellings, etc.
1-2 - Extended gardensThe land which we spend time in every day; our extended home
3 - Farming zoneThe land that we actively care for and maintain; the land that we probably know better than anyone else
4 - Semi-managedThe area surrounding our Zone 3, that we still wander through semi-regularly, and which we're pretty familiar with
5 - Unmanaged wildernessThe wider surroundings that we're somewhat familiar with, and which we might visit twice to six times a year
6 - Regional (local)A region that takes approx. 2 hours to cycle across
7 - RegionalA region that takes approx. 1 day to cycle across or which can be connected by an approx. 25W HF radio

As with the needs, these layers are also based on an aspect of Gupta's "Six Ways to Die", but have been adapted with a 'post-State' focus. Unlike zones, which can be thought of as concentric areas that are divided according to how long they take to traverse (and/or of regularly they are visited), infrastructural layers can be thought of as areas that are defined by how easy it is to organise, make collective decisions, and coordinate one's actions.

0 - IndividualA single person
1 - HouseholdA group of people who live in close proximity to each other and share the same basic 'household' amenities
2 - NeighbourhoodA region that takes approx. 10 mins to walk across, and knows each other pretty well
3 - TownA region that takes approx. 1 hour to walk across
4 - Regional (local)A region that takes approx. 2 hours to cycle across
5 - RegionalA region that takes approx. 1 day to cycle across or which can be connected by an approx. 25W HF radio
6 - Regional (supra)A region that takes approx. 3 days to cycle across or which can be connected by an approx. 100W HF radio
0 - OptionalAn optional 'nice to have'
1 - ConvenientSomething which makes life more comfortable or convenient
2 - DesirableHelps maintain one's health or safety
3 - ImportantImportant for the maintenance of one's health or safety; a corresponding lack can lead to otherwise avoidable infections or diseases and reductions in life expectancy
4 - EssentialCritical for one's health, safety or survival; a corresponding lack for 2 consecutive weeks, during winter or summer, or during a once-in-every-10 year emergency can be expected to lead to serious illness or death
5 - CriticalCritical for one's health, safety or survival; a corresponding lack for 2 consecutive days, during harsher weather, or during a once-in-every-3 year emergency can be expected to lead to serious illness or death
6 - Critical++Critical for one's health, safety or survival; a corresponding lack for 0.5 days, or during a twice-a-year event can be expected to lead to serious illness or death

insert something about how we are not differentiating between a category as grouping of resources, and the procedures that produce them, and means of maintaining or repairing them
  • kb/ontology/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-11-12 12:32
  • by Peter